BERTIS Selected As One of The Country's 1000 Leading Innovative Companies > BERTIS NEWS


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BERTIS Selected As One of The Country's 1000 Leading Innovative Companies

Date 2020.11.16

Hit 2,087


BERTIS Selected As One of The Country's 1000 Leading Innovative Companies

- Selected as a health product and diagnosis company with high growth potential

through the review of the Ministry of Health and welfare and receiving various support benefits
- Has unrivaled technology in quantitative proteomics ...

and developed diagnostic techniques for breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer






CEO of BERTIS, Seung-man Han, announced that the company became "The Country's 1000 Leading Innovative companies". BERTIS is a proteomics company that develops early diagnosis technology by identifying life's phenomena with protein interaction within living organisms.

"The Country's 1000 Leading Innovative Companies" is a project by the Financial Services Commission with five other government ministries (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries) to support companies to become global companies.

BERTIS became a health product and diagnosis company with high growth potential after passing the Ministry of Health and Welfare's examination. With this certificate, BERTIS could receive varieties of support such as financial management, consulting, loans, sureties, and investments.

BERTIS is a company that combines proteomics and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop markers for early diagnosis for various major diseases, including cancers, and provides them as diagnostic services, and it has a representative service, 'MASTOCHECK', a blood test that can diagnose the diseases early.

MASTOCHECK not only a convenient blood-based assay but also maintains its accuracy even in the case of dense breasts. The gold standard, mammogram, shows low accuracy among the dense breasts population, yet MASTOCHECK's outstanding performance proved that it has strong potential to help diagnose breast cancer. Also, it has very high sensitivity and accuracy for diagnosis compared to diagnostic methods with single biomarkers, so that it is the only commercialized proteomics-based diagnostic technique.

In addition, BERTIS is currently developing diagnostic techniques for diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer, based on its unrivaled technology in quantitative proteomics. In recognition of its technological prowess and growth potential, it has recently attracted investment from many institutional investors.

Han Seung-man, CEO of BERTIS, said, "BERTIS is a leader in domestic proteomics and has the most advanced technology," and "We will strive to grow into a global player with various government support and contribute to the success of the Korean New Deal.

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