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Bertis expands the use of MASTOCHECK to more than 60 medical institutions nationwide
Date 2021.08.02 Hit 2,146 News |
Now a blood test can check for breast cancer! to more than 60 medical institutions nationwide
- More than 60 medical institutions nationwide are now able to detect breast cancer with MASTOCHECK… a significant advance over existing testing methods and meets the diverse needs of examinees
As many domestic hospitals and screening institutions have introduced new diagnostic services that can detect breast cancer with a single drop of blood, the convenience of breast cancer screening is increasing.
Bertis Inc. (co-CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), a proteomic-based early-diagnosis biotechnology company, announced on x that Bertis signed contract with 60 medical institutions to distribute MASTOCHECK, the world first blood-based breast cancer diagnostic assay.
MASTOCHECK, the breast cancer screening method based on proteomics, is an innovative and convenient method that can detect early breast cancer with 92% accuracy (based on the patent) using the only 1ml of blood. After measuring three breast cancer-specific biomarkers within the blood, the quantitative value is substituted into a unique patented algorithm to diagnose breast cancer. The advantage of MASTOCHECK is that it is consistent with its screening accuracy even in dense breasts cases where the accuracy of mammography, the current gold standard, decreases. Also, it is a convenient blood test that does not have the risk of any radiation exposure.
Specifically, as MASTOCHECK examination expands in earnest, the method is expected to compensate for the limitation of existing testing methods and meet the diverse needs of examinees △when conventional breast X-ray (mammography) examination is inconvenient, △when patients want to take a breast cancer test easily without pain, △when younger patients in their 20s to 30s want a breast cancer test, △and when patients in their childbearing period need a safe test.
Bertis’ CEO, Seung-man Han, said, "pleased to offer an innovative breast cancer diagnosis option to customers by accomplishing contracts with multiple medical institutions. Ushering in the era of simple and accurate detection of breast cancer with MASTOCHECK, which requires only a drop of blood and eliminates worries about radiation, will continue contributing to national breast cancer prevention and early detection."
Breast cancer has the highest rate of incidence in the world. In 2018, there were 23,000 new breast cancer cases per year, and the number has doubled in the past ten years in Korea. In the case of 0, 1st, 2nd stage patients classified as early-stage breast cancer, their 5-year survival rate is higher than 90%, but that of 4th stage patients with systemic metastasis is only 34%. In addition, breast cancer can affect a woman’s self-esteem and quality of life, so it is essential to detect and treat it quickly through early diagnosis. |